Student ReviewLauren S.

Landscape · United States

  • Hey, everyone, Harry here. Today I have Lauren S. with me, and today we're gonna be talking about how Lauren made 15,700 in sales in the last three months, a little less than three months.

  • The way your course is designed, it's very intuitive, as well as very, what's the word? Like practical. It's both. Without a doubt, just with anybody that ever chooses to work with you, I think that it really, you try to tell us, you say, "It's a sure thing. Look at it as an investment." And I believed you, and it worked. Within, I would say, two weeks, within a week, two weeks, of really focusing on all the videos, and all the things that the Flywheel Lab has, and getting accountability buddies, and talking online, that even though it may seem like really unusual and strange, it just starts to work, and they start to see themselves differently, and I think that that would be a really good, really, really important place to start, so they can both do their art practice, and make a living from it. I mean, I think that's really what we're talking about, is making a predictable living. And if we're dedicated to what we do, in terms of our art practices, or whatever it is that we wanna, our entrepreneurial service, or whatever, then we wanna do the work, right?

  • Yep.

  • I'm really grateful, and-

  • It feels nice.

  • It feels great, yeah. More secure, all those things that money can help with.

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