Empower Artists. Change The World.

We are here to revolutionize the art industry by making it radically simpler and more accessible for everyday people to earn a living from their artwork.

Team Benefits

Join the team

  • - 100% remote company
  • - Growing fast and working with some of the biggest artists online
  • - Results oriented work environment (ROWE): aka as long as you get results you make the rules and work how you want.
Artists Reached
Happy Clients
Room For Growth

Our team values

1. Positive

Assume good intentions. Always seek out the charitable and open-minded way to view things.

2. Supportive

We win the battle for our clients by protecting and taking care of each other.

3. Self-Starting

Instinctively pursuing and solving hard problems is where our success comes from.

4. Make The Experience Share Worthy

In all things consider the impression the client will have and think, "Will this WOW them so much that they HAVE to tell someone about it".

5. Brutal Data-Driven Truth

Trust in accurate data. In our work, we must never operate off anything but the 110% accurate truth.

6. Eagle-Eyed Long-Term Focus

Have courage to focus on the long-term mission. Everything else will follow.

We Are

A Team Of Leaders

As a 100% remote company we need self starters who OWN their roles. When you join Unstarving Artists you are fully trusted to find your own solution to problems and will constantly be presented with hard problems to solve. Each member of our team has a voice and autonomy to improve the company. Because of this we only hire A player leaders who are excited about our cause.

Want to know more about us? Check out our company page here.

Think you got what it takes to join our team?Download our culture deck to see how we operate.