• All right. 3, 2, 1. Hey, everyone, Brandon Miles here, today I have Elias M. Bradshaw with me. We're gonna be talking about how Elias brought on his first three clients, did about 6,000 in sales, helping men with their dating life. So real quick, Elias why don't I turn it over to you? Can you tell everybody a little bit about yourself and what you do?

  • So I'm a guy from Barcelona and I love this dating world and I started getting into it and really, really interested. So I've been coaching people offline. And then I said to myself, why don't I take the step on move to online and expand and teach everyone all the good stuff I know and, you know, help as many people as possible. And obviously these days you can have a major impact through internet. So it's where I'm at right now. I was blessed to find your program, find you. We connected, great guy. And I was okay, so let's do this. And here I am right now. Proud and happy.

  • That's awesome, man. Well, Elias let me ask you this. Like, let's talk more about you and what you do. So what makes you in particular unique when it comes to helping men with their dating life?

  • All right. So there's a lot of content out there about pickup skills and dating skills. So I like to see myself as a guy that treats dating and the relationship of men with women as as a whole, as from spirit to the physical side, not only tricks and tips here and there to convince a woman to be with you because down the line, obviously with time, I've learned that women will test me, you, or whoever it is, you will get tested. And then there will be a reaction in the relationship. So obviously you need to work from inside to the outside. So work a lot on your mindset, a lots on becoming a better man in all aspects. And then from there grow on dates, women. Also, I like to see women as my teachers or whoever's I'm coaching teacher, because they will put you in your place. They will make you be accountable with yourself and you will get a direct response. This is like direct response marketing. Well, it's the same. So if you aren't really being genuine, you will get tested and they will point it out and you will learn the hard way. So I like to see myself as someone that just unifies the outer game with the inner game and from there create better men and better relationships, whatever that is for you, if you want you or them don't get me wrong. But if you want an open relationship, if you want more than one partner, if you want to play the field, if you want to find a soulmate, the one soulmates would be another debate. But yeah, you understand, like you want to find an amazing woman who you can spend the rest of your life with, that's great, whatever it is, because when you learn this material, you know, sky's the limit, right? The only thing you've got to overcome is your fears, your insecurities, and obviously learn strategies and skills where you have like female psychology and male attitude. So there you go. That's a little bit of the outline.

  • That's awesome, man, that's great. So let's go back to the beginning. Like, what were you doing before working with me?

  • So I'm a guy that runs a family business in Spain. We bring children from schools in Spain and they come to us and they do outdoor camps. And in Spain, the level of English is low, so people, do want their children to go and learn. We do outdoor camps all based in English. So we do like adventure parks, kayaking, any kind of games, beach games. We live in a very beautiful area here in the Costa Brava. And the kids come here and they do everything in English. So I hire staff from Ireland that come to us. It's a big business. My parents started that 30 years ago and I was just, I became a therapist. I just started therapist in Barcelona, parallel to this and I've always been very interested in personal growth and development. I've done all kinds of things and it's just people would come to me to ask for tricks and tips and advice about their relationships. So I just decided to take it more serious pilot from the family business, which I love because I get to work with people, outdoors and children and that's it. I just went further and further and further and it brought me to where I am right now.

  • Well, let me ask you this, like, so you were working in the family business, you had that going on. Had you been trying to make a business online work for awhile? Like had that happened, something you had been doing as well?

  • Yeah, yes for a long while.

  • Can you speak a little bit to that? Just at a high level, if you'd like.

  • Yeah, that's a good question. And I'm happy you asked that because it hits a pain point, right? You have an idea and you're gonna come online and you think you're obviously I had no idea about the online world. I was a people person, very outgoing, very active. And it was very hard for me to sit down in front of a computer for more than 30 minutes. I would check my emails, basic stuff and then off I went, okay. So I said, okay, I'm gonna do a business online and I'm gonna coach guys, okay. And when I came online, not only I saw that there was crickets, the sound of crickets, because there's nothing there, you have a great idea, you have a great product, but there's nothing there. You need to start learning how to get clients. And I was stuck there for a year and a half, you know, just learning everything it's a process, I understand, I embrace the process, the universe, whatever it is but part of the process is taking risks and investing.

  • Try to think back to that time and like, like what... If you remember back to it, it's still, it's almost hard to remember sometimes. So like, what were some of the things that you were trying to do to get clients? You know, what job were you trying to tackle? How were you going about it specifically?

  • So I started... I've done all sorts like I paid ads before doing organic outreach-

  • So you were running ads? You were running ads.

  • I was running ads, I didn't know my craft so I was wasting my money there. I also try to do affiliate marketing because when I was learning how to sell the marketers were selling me their products. So there'd be like, my stuff is the good stuff, you know? Like, what are you going to sell if you don't have anything set up? So I'm like, all right. So I started doing affiliate marketing for a long while. I wasn't happy with that. I wasn't, you know, obvious... Well then since I became a therapist, I decided to help people with addictions. I wasn't enjoying that either.

  • But you we're trying to build a course or anything like that? Or was it, were you just doing coaching?

  • No, I was just doing coaching.

  • Yeah.

  • It's hard to remember right now. It's what you say, it's hard to remember but.

  • It sounds like you were trying a lot of different things, like kind of throwing different things at the wall to see what sticks.

  • Exactly. Very much into mindset at Bob Proctor stuff. I was in with one of Bob Proctor's top consultants. I became one of these affiliates. So I based a lot of my material and the structure of the program in Bob Proctor's material and his program and his structure. So it kind of like had a map with that, but it wasn't until I came across you that I literally, everything became clear. You were hands-on, trust was there, strategy was there, we made out a plan and then staying accountable and basically from zero to six grand it's thanks to being in your program.

  • Yeah, man. We'll definitely talk about that some more. One thing I'm curious about, like, thinking back to that first year, year and a half in this online business journey, like think back to it, like, do you feel like during that time you were making progress? Like you were were moving forward or were you kind of like now in hindsight, looking back, were you just kind of staying in the same place, like treading water or was there a lot of progress or growth happening then?

  • Yeah, I don't, I believe in the laws a lot in the universe. So I know the curve of progress in business. So, you know, it seems like you're not moving, but there is things that are moving in the background. So I wouldn't know what to answer to that question because you always doing something, stuff is going into your brain, but the results aren't there if that is what you mean, I did-

  • Do you feel like... Do you feel like you're making progress like with mindset and maybe some of that inner work you were talking about things like that during that time?

  • Yeah. Definitely. That is, for me, the biggest revelation in a online business is getting your mind to overcome your insecurities and your fears, and your doubts every day because it's you against you. So if you're working in a team or in a family business, you know what's happening because other people are there with you and you're accountable and you go from point A to point B because it's physical action and clients coming and they're leaving or whatever, but when it's you trying to push, you know, this huge train, that's not moving until it doesn't gain any traction, it's hard. Yeah, mindset is everything. Morning discipline, morning routine, affirmations, meditation, just, you know, working out. Everything.

  • So with that, like, you know, where you, like, did you feel a strong sense of kind of like grit and determination through that period? Like kind of what kept you going? Was it like that? Did you still have strong grit that you're like gonna figure this out in that period?

  • Yes, absolutely. I don't know if my dad's from the Basque country, which is a region in Spain, they say they're very stubborn. So I think I kind of have that in me. And-

  • That's something that's interesting you bring it up. 'Cause like, for me, I always try to think about like, when does grit fall into stubbornness, right? When is grit become, like, go from like a benefit to like something that's hurting you, you know, did you ever feel like you're like, all right, I'm trying to long on my own or like this isn't working. Like how do you, you know what I mean?

  • Yes, yes, yes, yes. I have been me. I consider myself a very manly person and I can admit and confess that a couple of times I've gotten angry at the computer and nearly dropped a tear, you know, over like, oh my God, you know, how, when is this going to happen? How in the house, you know? And it just got to embrace the process and just keep going and believe in yourself, pushing and when many, many other obstacles come out as well, you know, I had a girlfriend, I decided to break up with a girlfriend for this purpose for having my mind clear, to be able to dedicate to my work. I've had to draw lines and limits with loads of people, influencing my life in toxic ways to keep my sanity, my mind clear and be able to focus. And I'm still dealing with a lot of those issues because this isn't for weak people. Business in general, I knew, but I'm a pure testosterone guy. Like, "Oh, just let's go forward. Yeah, let's push this." And that's business. Anyone, all construction business, whatever, you know, up and down the place, energy all over the place. But when it comes to you against you with a computer and having the patience and talking to people and connecting with people and literally transferring the mindsets of I've got to sell to I've got to serve. That was a huge thing for me, because if you are like thinking money, it's not good and it's hard to leave that at aside and focus on people when really when you desire is to be successful in that aspect. But it's not really because then you see you're dealing with people's lives. So serving is what I love to do, but obviously you want to feel successful. So it's, I don't know. Yes. Between them, they're like, you know, like arguing.

  • So, were there any other, this is great. This is great. Was there any other like frustrations you were feeling, you know, before we started working together, trying to think back to that, what else were you feeling at the time?

  • A truckload. I look back and I didn't believe in myself. I didn't think that I look deep inside I must stop because I haven't stopped. So like, I didn't care anymore what the result was gonna be. I just knew I was going to stick to it and whatever happened. It's like jumping from a bungee, you know, it's like, okay, let's go and let's go and that's it. But yeah, deep inside you, you doubt yourself. Like I was doubting myself, frustrated when I connected with you, I was frustrated. I changed niche two times. I changed niche online, not in my life. I've always been helping people with the dating, but you know what I mean like, because you just so frustrated, you just don't know what way to go anymore, you're like, I really want to build something where I can help people and I want to, you know, do it online. And I was feeling frustrated, yeah.

  • Yeah. Well, let me ask you this, like going back, where did you first hear about me? Do you remember?

  • Really, you started helping me out. We met in another group and I just saw this guy around. Brandon Miles everywhere. Like, you know, who's this guy? And then I just clicked on your profile. And I'm like, Ooh, I saw the testimonials. And then I saw your webinar. I went through your webinar three times and it really resonated. And I'm like, I wasn't getting full value in many aspects with other programs I had. And I just really wanted to do this. So I decided to contact you.

  • Okay, cool. And yeah, like was there of all those things, like what, especially peaked your interest? Was it the webinar or me being so available and supportive, like helping people? Like what was it that peaked your interest really?

  • Professional in one word, I just found you very professional, very tidy, very neat, very clear, you could see the hard work behind the material because I had an idea then of how much hard work this is. And I'm like, boo, this guy is like, actually putting the work in, he has people there obviously very helpful from the start. And on my side, I admit I was very anxious to get into it. And just because I'd been burnt with other programs. That's a major thing.

  • I remember that actually. I remember we talked a lot about being burnt. That was something that was a theme when we first connected.

  • Yes..

  • I'd been burned and I, my trust levels were on the floor. So you literally gave me your hand and said, man, I'm gonna be there for you, I'm very supportive, I'm very active. You gave me a great deal. And I just jumped on the wagon.

  • Nice man, that's awesome. Well let's actually talk about some of the stuff we did together. I know we've done a ton of things, but maybe can you speak to maybe, I don't know, like two or three takeaways or things that have been really helpful to you in getting this first three clients and the six grand so far.

  • Okay, perfect. So yeah, one of the first things would be, you started giving me the mindset of having critical thinking with my goals and talking to the clients, not getting emotionally involved or dragged because we're working with people and it can be very overwhelming sometimes. So that was one of the things and still is of like, let's focus on what we're doing and let's solve the problem.

  • Focus on one thing at a time.

  • Solve one thing at a time and not get emotionally, so emotionally involved. This is like, if you wanna help a lot of people, you know, you gotta keep your emotions balanced, right? And it's a mixture between giving them the results and being there for them and understanding them. So...

  • So it sounds like, like you were working, like you've had a tendency to kinda get like emotionally involved with clients or prospects and maybe like lose yourself in the relationship too much?

  • Yeah.

  • And then you get probably psyched out if they say no, or they don't advance or things like that?

  • Yes, exactly because I consider myself a good guy and I want people to get the results, but I have to understand that I can offer you my help up to the point where you allow me to. And yeah, I'm a pretty emotional guy. I mean that sounds cheesy, but you know what I mean? And very passionate about things.

  • Yeah, you care.

  • Yeah.

  • Your earnest.

  • And that was something as well, still working on it, becoming better at what I do and more professional. And also I do have the care and I do have the passion for what I do, but I've got to keep my life balance and super important. And I'm learning that. Okay, let's go into technical things Like, for example, learning how to build relationships with prospects online and learning that the online world is a huge world. And a lot of people, you know, they have their own lives going on. Like you're nobody to them. And they do maybe have a desire or an idea of a result they want, but they just have the idea, they're not realizing that you can provide them that outcome or whatever. So they're living their own little life. So getting people to trust you with what they want, that's a huge thing as well, like building relationships. And what I said before, transitioning from I've got to sell to, you know, how can I help this guy? You know? Well, I've always been like that. So I used to work in clinics as a therapist, but then when you been on the online journey for so long, you just get frustrated and you wanna get results, that's all, but it's not that you don't want to help. Then you got to start thinking of helping again, you know, because you've been thinking about getting results with money, so that's another thing. And then the thing of like, not closing the client in one call. So having more than one call with them.

  • That's been helpful?

  • That's super helpful, that's that was a game changer for me. Then also I've seen that you've given me a truckload of value, but then I have to be myself and there was a call, I remember one specific call, where you opened in that way to me and you said, "Elias, I am giving you the tools, so get those tools and use them your way." Because I was always like, Harry, can I say this? Harry, can I do that? Harry? And you were always there, but at the end you don't know my niche. You know what I mean? So you were like--

  • Yeah, I remember this. So like just to bring my own flavor on what you're saying, it's like, there was a time where you were trying to run, like almost every little decision past me. 'Cause you're like,

  • Yes.

  • You're like, I'm gonna to trust Harry and trust what he says. And at some point I was like, you need to basically take these tools and like make more of these decisions yourself and trust yourself more. And that kind of like, I think dovetails into that critical thinking as well that you talked about earlier.

  • Absolutely, absolutely. And I was doing that before as well, so I got rid of that working with you and just say, okay, I'm gonna do it my way. But obviously through Harry's strategy

  • I mean with that, like not everything we've done, like it's not just been, you know, success to success. Like there's always roadblocks, and hurdles, and things like that. Do you mind sharing a bit about like, you know, how we were going after people in the weightlifting area and you change that like, and how that affected things.

  • We agreed that I was gonna help personal trainers with their dating and sex life. And--

  • We were testing that first.

  • And testing it first, yeah.

  • Yeah, we were just testing it.

  • Okay we were just testing it, but for me, because my mindset was so like, what did you say? This, okay this, you know, so I did that. So I thought it was actually what I was doing. Then you need to loosen up and see that you're working with me. We are making the figure, you know, we're changing.

  • Iterating, experimenting.

  • Yeah experimenting. So you, you said to me, I said to you, Harry it's not working. And you're like, why is it not working? I'm like, I don't know, I'm just not happy with it. So then I just started targeting people on the Facebook profile and I would just go into the profile, search them out and, you know, engage with them if I thought they were good prospects. So I just got out of the plan completely. There were--

  • You got out of your own way. And you'd just,

  • Yeah. started helping other people and getting leads elsewhere as well.

  • There weren't any more like fitness people, but I have to say that my first client was in fitness and bodybuilding

  • Really?

  • Yeah. Yes and I think my second one as well.

  • Hey and maybe there's something to it. We are laughing about it, but so what I thought was interesting is that I think that you were so like, thought that you had to do the weightlifting and personal trainers and that was getting in your way of learning qualitatively how to do the lead generation. But then once you gave yourself permission and freedom to not do that, you started talking to other people and you got better at the actual activities and stuff. 'Cause that wasn't bothering you. And so you may find now, like if you went back to it, you might actually be able to make it work.

  • Exactly, it's all awareness. It's all growing the awareness on how to do things, and it's like a language you have inside, you know? It's like, you're so fearful at the start and you're so innocent and then you start learning and just getting better at it. And then you're like, oh, I'll go and try that thing again that I stopped doing. Yeah then jump on a call with you, ask you and whatever.

  • Let me ask you this, let's talk about that first client you brought on. What was it like to bring them on? What did it feel like?

  • It was the best feeling I've ever had in my life. I think so, yeah, something like that because I've never set up anything like this high-ticket course and going through such a tough process of mindsets and everything, and actually seeing the first results paid, full first time, all that, you know, just seeing your value

  • Was it surreal?

  • Yeah, you can't like, believe it's at the start.

  • Did you do anything to celebrate? Like step away from the computer, go for a walk? Like tell your family or anything?

  • It's funny how you say that because those entrepreneurs you see celebrating like going for a walk because we know we are so, you know, five years ago I would have said like I went and get drunk down at the bar, but now it's like, oh, you went, no I went for a kebab.

  • A kebab yeah. That's awesome.

  • Because I'm dieting, I'm working out, I'm on the computer, so I've really disciplined. So I went like, yeah I'm going for a kebab.

  • That's awesome

  • I really loved the feeling.

  • And then what about when you got the second client? Did you feel like you were onto something at that point?

  • Yes, then I was like, Ooh. Yeah, I did split pay with him. I learned also I was putting my judgment in the way, and I thought the guy maybe didn't have the amount of money that I would ask for, hello?

  • Hey, I'm here.

  • Yeah, the amount of money that I would ask for, and it was all in my head, he had more than that, but anyways, I did split pay. I don't know why the third client is the one that just boom. It boosted me, I was shouting in the house. Like I was like, yes, you know, yes. Because I consider that if I have three clients, it's like, you have a business, you know, it's officially, it's on, you know, it's on now you're on something real big. Like the first one can be luck, the second can be as well, I don't know, you know but the third one it's like, okay, this is like a pattern.

  • Once you're getting the three to five, it's like, you're doing something predictable. Like you can keep doing this if you want to.

  • Yes.

  • That's awesome man, that's so exciting. So what other areas of your business or life have improved? Since we were working together?

  • Sometimes I still have this mindset of like, not extending too much of my explanations because I always think there's someone else on the call after me, you know? Because I've been on so many coaching calls, but basically self-confidence, trust, discipline, mind, like critical thinking, being analytical, controlling my emotions, being tidy, consistency, learning how to respect communities, and rules, and stick to them where like, if somebody is trying to help you, don't take things the wrong way when they're trying to help you. Just suck it up, there's something wrong in you that isn't allowing that to help you and fix your mindset for that to happen because if you're trusting someone, trust them. So if I'm trusting you coaching me, just trust you. Sometimes I will get mad at you. I'd be like, why didn't you answer me this? Or why you wouldn't just tell me the answer? Or why wouldn't he? So I see you're trying to educate me on my mindset as a businessman. What else? Sales, marketing and sales. Just that for me, it's been like the biggest revelation in the last two years. I didn't even know what it was. I thought a salesman was mean, bad like they're trying to sell me. It's, no, I'm trying to break your barriers that are stopping you from getting to where you want. Offering you my service in exchange for money. But a lot of concepts, a lot of ways of thinking that I had, limiting beliefs, breaking my limiting beliefs, my fears, you know, not worrying about what other people say and just push forward with what you want in life. If you wanna set up a business and people are jealous or people are gonna judge you, it's gonna happen you know. You can't stop it and just unstick yourself from that, you know, bring yourself apart and just focus. It's gonna make you grow a ton. Building a business online is gonna make you grow a lot because yeah, it's a huge reward when you're able to impact people's lives, and, you know, you fought to get to where you are, like I am now and enjoy it and look forward to building more, you know, to doing more. But for me at the end, businesses is 80%, 80-20, right? The 80-20 rule, it's 80% mindset, 20% just labor, like putting the work obviously, dreams all work if you don't. And I believe a lot in laws of the universe and the law of cause and effect. If you're showing up and you're putting in the hours and you're focusing on something, you will figure it out sooner or later, but you will figure it out. So for me, it was a lot about mindset. The strategies, tricks and tips, physical things you learn and it's very important, I've learned that with you, but if you're not confident on a sales call, you're not gonna do it. And if you haven't had oh... getting rejected, that's a huge thing, getting rejected. Rejection, rejection in the dating world, rejection with the business. So if you can't handle getting rejected, rejected in messenger, on calls, you're not gonna be able to push forward. So for me in the community that I've been in with you super supportive and always there to help you celebrate and help you fix the problems and you just don't know, there's so many things, there's so many things where you wake up one day, you think you've got it figured out and then you start the computer, and something happen then you're like, oh my God, you know the computer gremlins, they call them right? The gremlins or it's not only with the computer, it's with internet it's a journey.

  • Sure , that's awesome, man. Well, let me ask you this. Let's go back to like our sales conversation. Do you remember, like, why did you decide to do business with me?

  • Right, 'cause I'm crazy. No, trust, I trusted you. You showed me trust and I took it and as well, if I had to have figured it out on my own, it would have taken me another two years. I wouldn't be where I'm at right now.

  • Do you remember that we had like, I think an intro call and on that call, like I could tell that you were burnt or you were frustrated, you were at the end of your rope? And I was like, I don't want to do a sales call with you right now? Can you tell people more about our conversation and like what we did instead? And how that evolved?

  • Do you want me to say that you redirected me to some of your clients?

  • Yeah, I invited you to basically speak to some of my clients before we do a sales call.

  • Yes, so they spoke the world about you. They were like, I mean, I gotta tell the truth. We're all up to here with spending money with coaches. But if you really want it, you've gotta be able to do it, and as you say, I don't have your English, but at the end of the rope is perfect. I was like, that's it, you know, that's it. I'm not going any further, this is it. And I actually remember saying to you, Harry, you are the last stop, that's it. I'm not getting any more programs. I spent a truckload of money in programs and no results, no results. And so Doris got on the call with me, she was amazing telling me she was killing it. And then what's his name? That flips houses?

  • Victor.

  • Victor, an amazing dude, he was always there, and it still is, we always support each other and he said, look man, I got burned also. I was up to here with paying courses. Actually he said to me a guy ghosted him before. That's horrible, and he said, Harry is the real deal, man. Like Harry is a smart guy, still doubting that but, no. and he'll take care of you. Like they, they said, Harry will take care of you, he's a good guy, he's always there. And it's true. Better ways, worse ways when I'm putting in the work and sometimes like, I'm going to ask Harry this. So it's tough love sometimes, but they were right and that's what you did. So you had the confidence, you had the trust in your clients that they were getting the results to be able to give me good feedback. No one had ever done that for me, no one. No one had ever taken a call with me online without selling me. No one had wanted to put in the time and effort for me to trust them and like sharing with those clients that you have. Then really drawing out a precise plan for me, personalized plan for me. And then following through on your word and what you said you will do, you would do. Yeah.

  • That's awesome. So what in particular kicked you over the fence? Do you remember, was there anything that kicked you over the fence? Was it that or something on our sales call?

  • Well, I repeat your style, I just thought you're a guy that knows what he's doing and then my burning desire to be successful. So I just had a sense that's why I work with intuition a lot. So when you were helping in groups, your strategy is helping in groups and I clicked on your profile, I just got a sense, you know, I'm like this guy knows what he's doing. And I trusted you.

  • Was having those calls with clients, did that kick you over the fence? Or was it just the fact that I would invite you to do that? That made you think, oh, this guy must have a lot of confidence that he can help me?

  • Both, both. So you needed to have the confidence and then what the client said to me. Very, very lovely high quality people, I mean, they're lovely, you know, nice people. So it's like, dude, if they're in there, these are nice guys, you know, and you really want this, fuck it, let's do it.

  • So would you recommend others to work with me?

  • For sure, I think I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you Harry, whatever it is. And I know you would have pushed further if I wasn't here for me to get the results. Am I wrong?

  • No, it's fantastic, yeah it's true.

  • You just have that, you gave me extra cause, you know, you've given me and I know that when I made the sale, you were genuinely happy for me.

  • I was excited for you.

  • You really want your students to succeed and you can see that and you put in the freaking work every day and I can see that. And you take care of us, it's a great community. And I'm even getting emotional because I remember the call. You can't believe it, you're like, what's this guy, what is gonna happen? What's going to happen? I'm working my ass off here and it's actually happened, man. I can't believe I'm on a call with you and I've sold three clients, it's like a dream come true. And I said it to you I said, well, you remember what I said to you, Harry if you help me to get to where I want to go, I said something but I'm not gonna say it.

  • Not for polite conversation. People can fill in the blanks.

  • So I can't believe it, it's like a dream come true, man.

  • That's awesome.

  • I actually have a business man, I would have never, I did, deep inside I knew, but didn't know how or when, so it's good.

  • Well who do you think we're in particular, a good fit for?

  • You?

  • Yeah, who am I a good fit to work with?

  • Your program, for anyone that has a burning desire to succeed online and really is gonna cut out the bullshit and put it in the work. And if he's gonna do that, you're gonna be there for him 150% and teach them how this works and how to do it. And if they don't want it, they might as well not mess around anymore. But if you want it, anyone can achieve whatever they want and I believe it. The only thing sometimes you need the guidance and you're that guy, definitely.

  • Awesome well, why should someone listening take action right now?

  • 'Cause when is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago and the next best time is now. So when are you gonna do it? If you really want this, if you really wanna be successful online, do it. There's no other reason to not do it. I don't understand that. If I want something, I go and get it and I don't care. So that is what brought me to where I. Why should somebody take action? Because they're gonna succeed, they're gonna succeed. Everybody is succeeding in your program.

  • That's awesome. Yeah, no, I mean, it's like, you're right. Like, that's a great idea. Like if you want to do something, a meaningful project like this, it takes time to grow,right? So planting that seed earlier is better and it's like, if you wait, all you're doing is pushing off. It's like, there's a massive, I call it like an opportunity cost. There's a massive opportunity cost of delaying 'cause who knows, if you had delayed working with me and let's say you kept going and tried another month by yourself, like, you might not be here right now. You might have gone and gotten a job or like your life would have maybe taken a totally different turn. Do you know what I mean?

  • When you're going serious with something, your emotions fluctuates, you know, so God knows what I would have thought in a week's time, but I knew I wanted it and I knew I needed the guidance because I couldn't figure it out on my own. I mean, there's guys that go to the moon, you can figure out whatever you want. How long is it going to take you? If I could exchange time for money, I would take time every time, every time. Time first, money is money. I mean, we all know that money is important, but you know what I mean. The opportunity I have now of growing from where I'm at and we are still there like we have a call on Thursday. So it's still happening, it's still there, the program is still going, I'm still growing and look where I'm at. There's so much more to come in 2021. Why would someone want to postpone this feeling of actually have made it? And you're gonna get the return on investment, for sure. There's no other way. I mean if you go to open a store or you go to open a restaurant, how much money are you gonna put into that? People don't, a lot of people I think maybe, well, you probably gonna work with people that are already trying online, but a good comparison I like to do is we're used to old fashion businesses where you see the room, you see what you've built. You see the building, you see the house if you're building houses, you see, but online it's the computer until you don't start the computer, there's nothing there. And people underestimate that and it takes a lot of time to get to do it. So I would take action always right now, if you have it clear, follow your intuition and you have a burning desire to be successful, jump in head first and do it and you'll get it. And you Harry, you've changed my life, man. So I wouldn't recommend anyone else.

  • Thank you man.

  • I've come from multi-billionaire, I don't know if you were one, I've never asked you your revenue, but billionaires, the platforms of guys that are gonna help you, I never got the results. So I wouldn't trust anyone else and also I think the availability there is to you in the next year and a half is amazing and you always one-on-one, very close, but if people don't hurry up, you're like one of those things that's just gonna scale so much and you'll be building a team and it's different. So I have the pride to say that I was one of the guys you coached when you were still one-on-one, very hands-on and everything. You know what I mean? 'Cause the direction you're going is big.

  • Well, let me ask you this like what is your number one piece of advice for other coaches and consultants right now?

  • As in with your program or in general?

  • In general yeah in general.

  • Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself, push yourself and sit down, write down what you want. Make a firm decision, do you really want that? And if you really want it, there is no reason to not go ahead and take any action that you need to get where you wanna go. There is no reason, doesn't matter. You need a loan, as for a loan. You need money from your mother, ask money from your mother. You need to stay at home for a year, but the reward is amazing. The opportunity of building something by yourself and being able to impact other people's lives and make money, it's yes, very good.

  • Very exciting, man. That's awesome. Well, this has been so great. Like tell me this Elliot, like what's on deck for you? What are your plans for the next few months?

  • As in revenue or just in general?

  • Interpret it as you will, yeah.

  • Yeah well, I'm getting to 10K a month right now and just continue bringing value to these men that really want it, getting them those dates, getting them those girls, that transformation they want, impacting loads of people, really, really enjoying the efforts that I've put in and that I'm putting in every day to live a better life.

  • You've got like the pieces now it's just a matter of executing more to get to 10K a month or executing consistently?

  • Yes, I mean with you I have to talk about a lot of things and iterate and experiment more, but yeah, the car is running, you know, so it is going.

  • I'm like so excited for you, man. I'm so glad that we got to do this interview, really, really can't be happier for you and I can't wait to see what you do in the next couple of months. Maybe we'll do another interview at 10K, or 20K, or something like that. Are you there?

  • Yeah it cut off for a bit there.

  • Sorry about that. My last question for you Elias is if people want to learn more about you, where can they go to find more about you online?

  • Well, at the moment, I'm based on my Facebook profile, just working one-on-one coaching with my organic outreach and see where I go from there. So it's @eliasmartinezbradshaw, Facebook profile. What else do I have around? Oh, I'm I growing a community myself and it's Lions Mindsets. It's a Facebook group, but I'm very focused on my profile so I'm only testing some things so see you in Facebook.

  • All right, thanks so much Elias we'll talk soon.

  • Thanks, no problem.

  • Bye.

  • Bye-bye .

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