• All right, three, two, one. Hey, everybody, Brandon Miles here. Today, I am back with Chaz M. of influenceyourmarket.com. Chaz, what are we catching up on today?

  • Just more progress revenue wise in month two and month three of working with him. The first month I was sitting around 10 to 12K with just a combination of done-for-you mostly clients and then obviously, maybe, one main one off sale but it was only around 2K. I was able to get to 40K and so I kept some of the done-for-you guys, got rid of the difficult ones and then I was able to focus on just focusing on mainly selling the one-off offer and reach my price point most of all.

  • You went from 10K to 40K in your first month with me and then in month two, what did you do revenue wise?

  • I just bumped it up by about anywhere between, I think it was about 10 more K and then this month, I'm right underneath 60K but I'm probably not gonna reach it. I think I'm around, depending on whether if someone closes today or doesn't 'cause today is pretty much the last day of the month or tomorrow, it'll be anywhere between 50 to 58K for this one, so pretty good.

  • You basically went from a run rate of $120,000 a year to, what is that, $600,000 a year in three months. How does that feel?

  • I didn't know it was possible but after I did the 10 to 40K, I had goals and I intended for things to happen but I started to really stop putting parameters around what I think might be possible because it can also harm you. It can limit how far you can go as well.

  • Yeah, you get to kind of an enamored on that, the goals or the specifics and you focus on that more than just running the business and doing the activities. Well, for those who don't know you, man, Chaz, why don't you just briefly, can you just introduce yourself and share a little bit about you and your business?

  • Yeah, I just help people mainly leverage, mainly Instagram shoutouts if they're being interviewed in big Facebook groups and I help them turn lead to watch those interviews that come from those traffic sources, return sales calls. It works really well for, I'd say beginner to intermediate people so borderline low level high ticket. I wouldn't say it's necessarily the most ideal for things above 5K but most people who are just trying to get their start, I found most of them are just probably making two to 3K sales sometimes two to three months so it's more like a hobby being it's not really consistent. I have them do it like that and then basically the goal is to get them one client a month doing that, it's pretty average and then just to free up their time 'cause I endorse direct outreach but I know a lot of people I work with tend to be anywhere between 30 to 70 plus years old and so they just don't con. They have hobbies in life or they have a family and so because of that, their time is limited and most of the people I work with, believe it or not are able to dedicate anywhere between, I'd say three to four hours a week and they can get at least three sales calls a week but they're quite high quality so usually within about anywhere between three to five weeks, I can close someone and then they just get more on a rhythm as time goes on but it's all organic for the most part.

  • That's awesome, man. There you go, that's awesome. We had an earlier interview talking about that first month. For those who haven't listened to that, if they wanna link, get a play by play of that first month and what you did to accomplish that, definitely go back and take a listen to that. For those who are just checking in now, can you just share maybe, we don't have to do every single thing but two or three things that have been really helpful in the last month or two, takeaways or insights or things that you've improved recently?

  • The first thing I've improved is not really having, even my first month, when I made that big jump from 10K to 40K, I still had a lot of anxiety about the sales that I still didn't make but now that I've been doing the marketing with this program for a little, I think a little over three months now, I really have no anxiety and I really have zero attachment to whether or not someone who I thought would have been a good lead or they probably were good lead but they don't close. I'm quite careless 'cause there's so much you can do, using what Harry teaches and stuff, you can follow up with him later or there's always another prospect. That's the first thing. I have notes like anxiety when it comes to potentially creating leads in the future 'cause that's a legitimate concern.

  • Let's talk about that . That's--

  • The main stemming.

  • Sorry, go ahead. I think there was just some internet stuff, go ahead.

  • It is a legitimate concern because there's always, and this is why it's always good especially if you're a marketer to always invest in something, at least just one component. Just keep yourself sharp because beyond the practice of investing in yourself and never really stopping that, there's always decay every organic paid strategy to a certain degree. There's lifespans of paid ads and stuff and you can milk things for all they're worth to a certain extent but then eventually, they'll always end up dying and you have to create something new. Basically, I think some of the organic strategies that I learned with Harry himself, because it's a nice transition, basically where pretty much, I'd say 95%, 100% of people welcome your advances to talk to them and stuff and because of how it's so flexible and there's so many variations and iterations that it can be made into, I think its lifespan is quite high and so that's also part of the reason why my anxiety is a lot less than what used to be 'cause if you have something that you know will probably last good for the next four to five years, that's a quite comforting feeling but there's a lot of strategies that worked back two years ago that don't work today.

  • I mean, but this is such an interesting idea because I think a lot of people, they're looking for some blue ocean or something that's uncharted territory and because of that, then they think there'll be first and they get access but what's cool about what I teach and what you've been working on is you're just learning how to have a intentional human personal relationship building conversation and that's just never gonna go away. It's totally evergreen, you know what I mean? Once you learn that, then you put on this abundance mindset and you know there's so many leads out there, you just have to go get more.

  • Yeah, that's a big thing. Another thing too, though, if anyone is just, I guess just before I signed up working with you and stuff, I still have always been a very cash conscientious person and it could be a good thing or a bad thing. It can definitely slow you down but it's definitely not the worst thing either but basically, Harry just had so many results, whether it's testimonials, client reviews or whatever, it gets to a point where it's redundant, there's just too many... It's so redundant to pretty much reason or ask yourself, is it legit or is it not because it would take so much energy. It would take more energy to not be legit and keep it up than it would be to be legit. Another thing, too is because of the way his program is designed and stuff and the way he literally shows you what's working and stuff and all that good stuff. It gets to a point where for people who like to know, I guess, they can reason from something fundamental and great and reason from there. For those types of people out there, a reassuring thought experiment that might help them would be something that runs along the lines of, he's the type of guy who it's nice to model after what he does in a way and make it your own. He does that in a lot of this stuff, especially whether it's the Q and A sessions or just some of the training he does, it's not just a slideshow presentation, it's much more than that and it's stuff that's actually working and it's not just, try this out, it sounds cool.

  • With the stuff on the proof and interviews and stuff, is that something that you've translated in your own business where you're working to get or you feel like you have overwhelming proof that you deliver on your claims?

  • For myself?

  • Yeah, for yourself.

  • Again, most of the people I help are just people who are trying to just perhaps elevate making zero sales to making one sale every four to six weeks for just two or 3K and then for people who are already maybe making one sale every four to six weeks making two to three a month. It's still more a beginners type of client that I'm aiming for as compared to people who you work with. Your tactic is a little stronger for higher .

  • It sounds like what you're saying is that for your folks, they build more trust and rapport with you through the way that you massage them in organic lead generation and less so from you having tons of interviews that they consume over a long period of time and build trust with you through that.

  • Yeah, but it's getting a point right now where I am enrolling a good amount of people every month now and my success rate's probably within, most of the people I work with are actually getting, I'd say about 80% of them are getting a client in the first three to five weeks, which is like, some of them surprised me that it's actually getting to a point where I'm getting so busy I can really only add basically 35 to 40 friends a day and they're just seeing interviews, interacting and reaching out to me. It's getting to a point where I'm--

  • So you are getting more of that inbound?

  • Yeah, but it just takes time to develop but once you do, it's nice.

  • That's awesome. What other sort of insights or takeaways, any other ones?

  • Yeah, I think because of the style of marketing, which I guess if you could describe it, the best way I would describe Harry's program would be, social proof, organic based marketing, which is nice. That's at least a very strong element of it. He has other elements that are very strong. I would say that if you're new to hearing about Harry or you've been following for a while and you're on the fence on enrolling with him and stuff, one thing I can definitely say is that you guys are probably, whether you're a digital marketer, whether you're done-for-you personally or you're a coach or you're trying to sell a course, there's probably a lot of people you've pitched in your inbox who just ignored you and told you to go away, all that good stuff and that's fine, it's classic. It happens to all of us but what happens over time is that a lot of time they don't end up blocking you, they still end up on your friends list and they end up seeing the wins that you share and the interviews you have, clients and all that and they change their mind. I know it's not a no forever and that's very important to recognize 'cause there's a lot of people who told me to go away even a year and a half ago who were asking me, they can't afford the full thing that I offer but they're asking me to work with them with installment plans. I am on the verge of having a waitlist just because I'm just betting who I wanna work with 'cause I can't work with everyone. I really can't take on more than five high paying clients per month for the one-on-one. I am building out a little bit more now 'cause I have more clarity on what I can predict for done-for-you because it's like a down sell. I mean, people change their mind when they see the social proof and they see all that good stuff. It's honestly inevitable and FOMO really does kick in and it's, as much as FOMO can really be something that is a negative concept that most people should ignore, which they probably should, a lot of people out there on the internet, they really are hyping up their lives and all that good stuff. It can be a good thing, too where you may not be missing out but you can definitely elevate your life and it truly is possible for you. Having a certain element of that and having your prospects see that and see you in that light as the person that gets you to that slightly elevated version of reality that they might desire, it can be useful. It's not entirely bad just like comparison isn't entirely bad either. It isn't good for you to progress but it can serve really well as developing a baseline but the social proof, I think is probably the biggest thing.

  • You mentioned something before we got on the call. Were you saying more people were paying upfront or paying in full, is that something you mentioned? You're getting better at sales?

  • Oh yeah, I was just noticing. Some of the stuff I've noticed is just that, one thing I've actually found on the telephone, I think probably I learned it from Harry but it was more of a subconscious thing I realized is that if you wanna judge someone on whether or not they're gonna buy, for example, you may be running ads and you might wanna cancel 10% of them that you think are time wasters, I think the best way to judge whether or not you should cancel an application or you should cancel an organic call that you produced and take, 'cause sometimes... I mean, for most people, they wanna take all of them but sometimes you can get backed up and canceling might be more ideal or just giving them a freebie or something, what I've noticed is that instead of measuring people based on their income level and the amount of problems they have, the biggest metric, which I think is measurable that actually has been accurate in terms of assessing whether or not someone buys their enthusiasm. If someone's enthusiastic about the call, they're probably gonna buy, there's much more likelihood. It doesn't matter if they're poor, they're rich, they're medium, it doesn't really matter. I've actually noticed that people are way beyond it, they could totally afford it. A lot of them are actually not seeing it as an expense and then there's some people who could barely afford it or can't really afford it at all so I just give them something helpful and tell them to come back in three or four months. If you judge people based on their enthusiasm, that's actually a pretty good metric. It's very talked about, I'm sure it some people but you should definitely look at people based on their enthusiasm and I've actually found that actually is a winning metric. You don't really have to ask them, you can just see it in the nature of their language and how they're interacting and all that. It's a pretty dead giveaway. It's common sense in many respects but if they're enthusiastic and it's legitimate, then I think it's worth a go because true sales calls that, even when you're closing well at 30% or 40%, it takes a lot of energy. In most of the sales calls, I have been up to anywhere between 70 to 100 minutes. I'm a little bit more long-winded and I've actually found that I close people better instead of trying to rush the interaction. If you're gonna dedicate that amount of energy to close someone for something, anywhere between three to 5K, it's worth being very protective of your energy, that's all because it's just responsible to do, I think. The enthusiasm is good, measurable thing and ever since I focus more on that, I have made a little bit more progress as well.

  • It's a great insight. A lot of people who are starting out, they're really focused on traditional sales qualification with other leads and they don't have a track record or any sort of proof that they can deliver on their claims so they come out of the gate hot being like, how much money do you have and it just turns off everybody and they don't get any business.

  • Yeah, it turns off everyone.

  • I love it, man, that's awesome. Chaz, would you recommend others work with me?

  • Oh yeah, definitely. I think an ideal client who would work with you would be someone who definitely has a legitimate expertise or a passion but they feel as if that element or subject that they're teaching is truly a part of their identity. If they're able to achieve that and they have that purpose, then I think it's a good fit but I just think it's gonna be too much work for anyone who just doesn't really have any focus. I think there's really no harm in getting a job or getting an education because it can be pay dividends in terms of creating the person who you need to become in order to sustainably run a business but ultimately what I found, actually the thing, is you need to find your why and what in terms of why you're doing it and you need to definitely become passionate about whatever it is the subject you're teaching or you're helping people with. It's a lot harder to do than people think sometimes so I definitely think you need some life experience a little bit. You don't have to be older or anything, you just have to have some life experience--

  • You're in college, right?

  • Yeah, senior year. You need to be crystal clear and have a lot of conviction. If you're a nerdy person and an introvert, I actually think it can be an advantage. You just gotta get over the shy element but I really think it's less about being shy and more about social anxiety, which I've overcome quite a bit by forcing myself to do it 'cause I started two and a half years ago so that's quite a long time. You just need conviction and you need a strong line but if you have those components, I think you should be good.

  • I like it, man. Let me see if I can fix this light, hold on one second. Let's see if this works. That make a difference? No, hold on. Yeah, I like it, man. The way I would say what you're saying is, if you think that there's some hidden make money online, get rich quick thing where you can hack something together and not care about getting your client's results, please do not come talk to me. This is not a fit for you but if you're open to actually, like you said, finding your passion, becoming passionate about what you're doing and the people you're helping and you have some marketable skills, you probably just need help articulating what you're doing and with your sales process and your and then you're gonna do fine, that's it.

  • Yeah.

  • Nice.

  • I also think too, even to progress no matter who you're working with, the reason why you need a why is because the amount of rejection you face and stuff and the amount of hours you have to sacrifice, it is very painful. It just is and so you have to have a why. I guess I use a lot of thought experiments and they probably are the purest form of reasoning to a certain degree. They're useful on sales calls, too should the need arise but a very simple thought experiment, I think that I definitely like to use is, you're creating your own little note, I guess around people who might try to take you out for coffee when you're trying to do something but based on the amount of time, energy and projection, you have to go through a phase because the likelihood of them having to go through all that same turmoil is they're probably gonna go through the exact same experience just get to where you get to. It's entirely worth to go through all that mud, if you will because once you get to that point where you're at eight to 10K a month, it starts to get a little bit easier in terms of figuring out that point where you pretty much know you're at the very least, even at the worst, you're probably gonna make at least one sale per month but to really establish and get yourself there, it's extremely painful and hard 'cause it takes a lot of energy and learning curves and mainly nuance and stuff and you just have to be willing to grin and bear it and just get good in that. I wouldn't even say I've gotten good and I've just recently gotten good and I've probably been on over at least 1,500 sales calls.

  • One thing that comes to mind for me and you may disagree but I actually don't think you need a big why or a strong why to get to 10K a month.

  • No, I never said 10K a month.

  • But I think for you, where you're at, where I'm at, once you start hitting 10K, if you don't have some inner fuel that's motivating you, you're just gonna get happy at 10 or 20K and you'll just stay there, which is fine. You can stay there but you'll also get bored or you'll get tired or you'll get frustrated 'cause you got more people coming in asking for help and complaining or needing support. There's always little nick-nacky things that are coming in at you. I found, and it sounds like the same with you, once I started hitting 10 or 20K, the more and more my why started to form and it kinda got shaped and I'm still forming it now but you have to dig deeper and figure out what motivates you to keep going at that point.

  • Yeah.

  • Anyway--

  • No, I agree.

  • Chaz, let me ask you this. Why should someone who's listening take action right now?

  • Because honestly right now, I think with everyone being at home, it's both easier organically and it also is cheaper to get people on a phone call just because I think the overall paradigm shift of society is shifting more towards work at home. Whether you believe in the severity of the pandemic or not, I really think with, and this is just an objective neutral position with the way humans are pretty much, I wouldn't say exponentially but pretty quickly populating the planet, it's gonna be several more million in just a handful of decades. Problems of having enough jobs for everyone and just things like pandemics and stuff, they really are no matter who's in charge, they are gonna becoming more rampant. It's more of a nature thing that we're against anyways, that's humanity. Right now, it's probably the best time to tap into, I guess you could say this fountain of wealth, if you will because the key element you really need to make money with this stuff is for people to have the ability to sit down and hop on a call with you and learn more about what you do. Right now, it's becoming a trend so you might as well catch it while it's early.

  • Yeah, as long as people have painful problems or deep desires, they will exchange money for valuable goods and services and it's going more and more online where people are doing things over Zoom and stuff like that. You're right, it's a huge time where there's more and more of this stuff happening for sure. I love it, man. What is your number one piece of advice for coaches and consultants?

  • As it pertains to...

  • Just like, what's going on in your head right now? Today, September, 2020, what's your number one piece of advice?

  • I don't know. I think it's important to definitely start being more proactive in investing in programs that are pretty legitimate because the market's sophistication is increasing much more rapidly than the amount of people trying to start a business. For example, perhaps three to four years ago, it'd be very easy just to go to some Facebook group and just try to market to people and do that kinda stuff and right now, the market's gotten so sophisticated and so jaded in experience. There's people who were trying to lose some weight there, they joined a support group that their friend recommended and they know how to very easily deflect the advances of a weight loss coach. People know how to be marketed to and so therefore, they resist much more easily. It's trying that's only gonna grow with time and so you need a winning mindset but a winning mindset will naturally yield and let itself reasoning and so because of that, you need to have some next level tactics to a certain extent as well and if you don't, you're just gonna default to whatever the averages are and from what I can see, it's not very good. You just need--

  • Average gets average results, conventional gets conventional results. I like it, man, cool. Well, thank you so much for taking some time to catch up with me. This was great, I can't wait to see what you do in October and through the rest of the year. Really excited for you, man. If people wanna learn more about you, where can they find out more about you online?

  • Just type me in Facebook, Chaz M. and you'll find me. There's only one.

  • There is only one, only one Chaz.

  • Yeah.

  • Good stuff, man. All right, well thanks so much. We'll talk soon, okay?

  • Thank you.

  • Bye. Three, two, one. Hey, everybody, Brandon Miles here. Today I have Chaz M. from influenceyourmarket.com. We're gonna be talking about how Chaz went from about 10K a month to 40K a month in 30 days, which is pretty wild. Chaz, why don't I pass it over to you? Can you just briefly introduce yourself and share a little bit about your business?

  • Yeah, my name's Chaz. I'm in California pretty much right next to LAX. I'm horrible at geography. Are you on the East Coast?

  • I'm on the East Coast, Atlanta.

  • Yeah, we're on the opposite. Anyways, that's fine. I pretty much started by helping people make more eCommerce sales with their Instagram, then I got transitioned to selling accounts I was creating and growing and then now I've transitioned to using Instagram and any Facebook to get but the overall theme of the marketing I use is pretty much leveraging influencers to follow customers instead of having to do the hard work of direct outreach.

  • Okay, got it. What sort of clients do you typically work with?

  • Typically law of attraction mindset or just holistic clients. I mean, I do have some luck with some business related niches but I only typically tend to work with them if they really wanna work for me just because it just works better for those other interests. That's all.

  • Got it, how long have you been doing it, a couple of years?

  • A little over 12 years.

  • Nice, man. How did you first even decide to do something online? Were you always interested in business or just more playing around and experimenting with Instagram?

  • I was experimenting. When I was in college, I knew I was gonna probably be.. It's 'cause I was getting a dual degree in psychology and math.

  • Really?

  • Yeah, I knew in that haven, you're still in a little bit of a cocoon in terms of the economics and just the support system, there's an ecosystem that works really well for you. I know a lot of people at that age don't really see it like that but it's enough time to really figure something out. Even the guy, I think the Chinese super rich dude, he was saying that, you don't need to get the best grades because usually, if you're like a B student, it's only those types of people who have enough time to learn something else.

  • This is Jack Ma you're talking about?

  • Yeah, so I knew that there was, and I decided to do it as I was going into my sort of halfway point or a little before my halfway point. I knew that I had to figure it out but there was enough time so I just wanted to create a sustainable income or something, I knew it was possible. I'd also with the same answer a long time because I had only made so little, I only made like, I can't remember. I think that was my first year, it was my first six months dropping any course amount would've been a lot for me so it took me a lot to get going.

  • Yes, I actually had somebody, a very successful entrepreneur came to my school and I remember them saying, you should just get straight Bs and then spend all your time working on a project if you are serious about starting a business or something like that. That's interesting, man. So what makes you guys unique? Are there other folks that are doing something similar or is this pretty differentiated in itself?

  • In terms of a niche?

  • Yeah, like helping people connect with influencers, is that...

  • I think there are people out there better than me who do it but I think most people haven't connected getting clients or coaching people with it. Does that make sense? Typically, it's just people still stuck in the growing your Instagram page or their own and then selling them like I did my second year or a year and a half in business. I never transitioned or a lot of people just don't transition ever into how to just help people in coaching clients 'cause of the ways of doing it. That's where I figured it out in the , I think.

  • Got it, there's other people that have been connecting with influencers longer but they don't really specialize in helping coaching clients generate leads through that.

  • Yeah.

  • Got it. Interesting, man, cool. Let's go back to the beginning. What were you doing before you were working with me?

  • In terms of right before?

  • Yeah, maybe the month or two before.

  • Cool, after my first year and a half, 2020 rolled around and I just got the courage as of last November, last December to start charging $100 to $500 'cause it sounds insane. this was starting to charge repairing of $100 to $500 per client but that was hard to close out even as well. The good thing was because I was pretty good once I got people on, they stayed for a long time. I was able, between December all the way up until March, April of this year to really get about 20 to 25 people consistently where I was pretty much making anywhere between eight to 11K revenue. I think with you, I had the lawsuit people so it was only about 7K but at that point, I would really try and focus on pushing myself and just try to make one sure quick sale a month 'cause I was doing that. I was coming off, as long as I made a 3K sale or payments plans for it, I would be anywhere between nine or 11K but there was months where I wasn't so I would just be stuck at six, 7K. The only thing with you is that I always had that recurring revenue coming in but I was just, down. I was working over probably 70 hours a week. My grades were starting to suffer because eventually, it became impossible for me at any age just because there was some much time I became like the B-plus student, it was annoying but hey, I was like, I'm doing a hustle but it just wasn't coming in efficient. I wasn't operating eloquently so I knew I had to change.

  • Yeah, man, I still don't know how you're gonna do it all but how many clients were you actually doing work with done-for-you?

  • Well, anywhere between 15 and 25 but yeah, it was just all insanity.

  • You'd be doing live calls with them, right?

  • No, I was actually just doing all the work for them. I had just started to adopt a lot of calls when I started working with you right before...

  • Got it, interesting, so you're just doing all the work. Were all your clients done-for-you or did you have any other types of clients?

  • Well, for the one, I take the sale I make every four to six weeks, that would be a coaching client because I was just starting to get my feet wet but that was usually...

  • Okay, cool. Was there a particular challenge or problem or something you were looking for help with that brought you to me?

  • I was suffering miserably in terms of how I was functioning so I had to change that because I was getting to a point where I was beginning to become very burnt out, that's all.

  • Okay, got it, interesting. You were burnt out, you were doing too much in the service delivery, was there anything on the sales and marketing side that you were feeling like you could be doing better?

  • Oh yeah, I was very afraid of selling, which is why I really adopted the recurring revenue but basically I would say, even when I would attempt to make sales every now and then, I'd probably close one out of every 25 people so it was just incredibly inefficient, I was miserable.

  • Was that pretty frustrating? What was that like just doing that many calls and not making that many sales?

  • It would take away from some of the service delivery, the balance, there was no balance and I was just at a max ceiling 'cause it came to a point where, especially when I would hit around seven to 8K in current revenue for every new cli... It got to a point actually where it's like, for every new client I take on, I lose a client so I was actually only breaking even but if I stopped selling, I'd actually start going backwards. Everything was bad, that's all.

  • Interesting, did you feel like, yes, I know I can figure this out. I just need to put in the work in practice or was part of you like, I don't even know if I can get better at sales or figure this out?

  • Well, I had gotten to a point just this year where, since I was trying to make consistent anywhere between seven to 11K a month still, it's hustling, I was able to source some cash and so I'm like, I have no problem investing and that's what it's for. The time it saves you is way more valuable obviously than the price enrollment.

  • Yeah, that's great, set that aside for a second. Did you know that, okay, I've got this sales problem, I need to get better at closing and I know I can do it with the right resources or with the right guidance, the right help or was there any part of you that was like, I don't know if this is the solution or am I doing this right or I don't know if I can do sales, if that makes sense?

  • I haven't really questioned it because my favorite, I always related it back to, actually there's a topic in Calculus two, it's my favorite. There's series, I believe. Basically anyone can understand series but the reason why I like it is because there's some series where it's like, or you have the number one plus... Oh wait, you have the series, sure but what you're counting, it's either series or sequence, I forgot. It's one, one half, one fourth and you're always halving, so zero so you're always getting closer but you never actually get there. That's what I felt like, you're just not gett... I'm serious. There's other ones where it's like, I've always been very interested in rates change, derivatives are my favorite and so I understood and I even remember, I think on our call, perhaps you were talking about sometimes people's pricing that it... I can't remember if it was an interview I watched or if it was some interaction we had and you were saying that there was orders of magnitude tendencies that entrepreneurs tend to experience socially in the online world 'cause you always wants you to , 30K becomes much doable and then once you're at 30K, sky's the limit but those are order of magnitude progressions. They're not really linear. That's the first reason. The second reason actually was, I always knew that even from when I was hustling and stuff, my incredibly inefficient conversion rates, I still knew that if I could repeat something in one week or a four-week period, for example, if I was making one high ticket sale for every four weeks, I knew I had to repeat it essentially. I had the cycles going on and I still had a relatively proven system for the most part that could get me that even though it wasn't that proven. It was proven for that, it was slow but it was proven. I knew that whatever the results were is what they were but I knew that whatever it was could be better than what I was already doing so I needed coaching to do that. I would still be where I was if I wasn't working with you. The other thing is I knew that once I got in the rhythm and I was able to just have an isolated seven-day period where I knew exactly why I got one sale every week or something, there essentially, you have the entire blueprint around here. All you to do is just keep doing that.

  • That's awesome. You were quite confident that you could solve it, that it wasn't like you were resigned to a low close rate or anything like that, which is great.

  • It was a really emotional day. I knew that if you can do one thing once, you can do it again, that's all. You helped me dial that in and if I could repeat it once, I was cut the first time with you.

  • Nice, cool, that makes sense. Where did you first hear about us? Was it in one of the private Facebook groups we're both in? Do you remember how you first came across me?

  • I just think I was friends with you and then on your timeline, you may have posted, I think it was the month you got paid 40K revenue or something, it was pretty recent and then you just skyrocketed yourself but I basically saw those, I was very impressed and I just noticed a common trend between the people who are above me and where I was. I noticed that you guys weren't working as hard. You guys didn't look tired. I know you're busy man with clients and I know you weren't working as hard in terms of marketing or sales either so you were probably spending less time than I was actually. I actually was gonna refer someone to you and then--

  • You did, that's right, you did refer somebody to me.

  • Yeah, what actually happened was I have two or three painter friends. One of them I actually know, the other two were just mutual acquaintances that I met online but basically I saw in some cases that you had interviews, you had several and they were successful. I just tried to train him 'cause I thought they would be able to help us up and then I think we just talked on the chat 'cause I think you just said, "Hey, let's hop in the chat just hop on the chat," and actually I'm in. That was good, it was definitely the best decision I made.

  • I forgot that 'cause when you referred somebody to me and you weren't a client of mine, I guess you'd just seen what I'd done with a couple of artists I worked with. I remember on my end, what I was thinking was just this guy is referring me people, I should get on a call just so I can understand why he's doing that and what he thinks I do so if he does refer me more people, I can give him a sense of what I do and stuff like that and the next thing you know, I'm on the call with you and it seemed like it piqued your interest. What peaked your interest on that first call or maybe even before that?

  • The biggest thing that peaked my interest was the pattern of, basically for every new client you convert, the way you were doing it, you developed it pretty well. The way you were doing it, and I walked through the Valley video, too which was great but I think might've been your older original one, not the new one you made but they're both great. It was basically, the theme was pretty much really leveraging Facebook solely but the general theme was for every new client you enrolled, the overall user experience got better and it became theoretically, at least slightly more and more easier to enroll people in the future just because of some tweaks that you were able to help people structure their business with. I was very fond of that because it may be hard to see, even if you're making the same progress in a month what the progress has been like but if you always look back three months or six months, you can almost always see you've grown or progressed. When I was making one sale every 25, I knew that it was better than when I was making one sale at 50. It's pretty funny but I knew that I had gotten better but I knew that I'd progress faster but also, by doing that, I don't know how you did it. It was pretty brilliant but basically, by doing your job well, helping your clients get results, you basically were able to create your own internal marketing system that's self-sustaining. I saw it off of that, I knew what it was and I just didn't know how to do it myself so I'm like, I'm an idiot to not jump on this. That's what I thought.

  • I appreciate that. Let's go back to this first 30 days, what are one or two really big takeaways or improvements you've been able to make just at a high level since we started working together?

  • My anxiety is gone, I used to be incredibly anxious. I still am but nothing like I was before and basically, it's kinda funny 'cause even though I got to a point, actually, when I was working with you within the last two weeks where if I wasn't making a sale within that week or two, I would freak out like, oh, wait, I must be doing something wrong even though I was probably doing totally fine. In terms of the biggest change for me though, it was mainly the price point for me. I was able to charge more so that was the biggest thing. I just think the confidence I had with that price and the ability to close people successfully, I literally closed, I think within my first three or four calls two or three people so it was like, hey, I have a new price point double or triple where I was currently so it was crazy.

  • Did you triple your pricing just to ballpark?

  • I would say it's about 2.5 bigger. There was a one on sale that I was with about three months but it's just the ability to justify the price and just feel confident charging and stuff that I can't explain. I can't explain how it happened. I just think you have to go through the process. There's no way around it, there just really isn't.

  • Why do you think your anxiety went down some?

  • 'Cause I could see every step along the way and make things work. If you know your plan inside out, you just don't really get anxious anymore, things just happen.

  • Yep, that resonates with me. I know in my life whenever I know I need to do something and I don't have a plan, even something mundane like going to find a new apartment or something like that, if you don't have like a system or a plan, it's a source of anxiety for myself so I could see... Once you have more clarity on what you need to do, it just becomes about walking the path rather than worrying about where the path is, if that makes sense.

  • Yeah, things just happen naturally.

  • Have any areas of your life improved beyond just the business?

  • I'm a pretty simple guy. I had a few friends, some of them but I really haven't been hanging out with them much just because of this stupid virus thing. The world's gone mad obviously for no reason but overall, I've just been able to, I just think mainly just focus on the business better and have more faith in it because now I'm starting to build ash that I can very easily invest in bigger things later on and share it and stuff.

  • Do you feel like you're working fewer hours yet or about the same?

  • I have worked a little bit less, yeah. I choose to work that much now, I don't necessarily have to.

  • I talked at the beginning about going from 10K to 40K, can you break that down a little bit? How did you get at a high level? It sounded like you said you made a couple of sales in the first week. How did that break down, how did you make that change, that revenue jump?

  • When I just started with you, too I had a six-week stretch where I wasn't able to sell the main high ticket two to 3K thing I was trying to promote so I was kind of out of luck. It's also what helped me make a decision but I had, like I said, I still had a steady, varied five, 6K recurring revenue coming in, done-for-you. I still have some of those guys but I just gave them off to other people to do that wanna try and stuff. Basically, I had to come in so I wasn't really sure but basically... I was pretty much, I think when I first started with you, I was already at, 'cause I hadn't done that one code , I was pretty much at the six or 7K 'cause usually for me to get over 10K, I had to make one sale every month and I wasn't consistent with that. I was at 6K already revenue for the most part, it's sort of assumed because it is just coming in past the 30-day period equally for the most part and then there's almost 25 people. I devoured the first two or three models in the first 48 hours and so basically, I had four or five sales calls booked within matter of a day really. I think within the first five, six days, I was able to close two or three people. My new price point, like I said was pretty substantial. Am I allowed to give the price point I charged or no?

  • You're welcome to share it if you'd like to.

  • The price point I was able to upgrade to was actually, I was able to up with my pretty much 2K that basically hit 500, pretty cool or should I say two and a half for the most part, it's kind of it. I made the payment plans that mainly spread out obviously every other day and stuff but I was able to get basically two or three people in the first, I think, I can't I remember, five to eight days for that and immediately overall, I was able to get two small pays for all three of those people I enrolled. Within the first five or seven days, I was pretty much at, I think that's 16K-ish. Within the first 10 days, basically when you add the 6K that was already coming in, it's pretty much 20K for the most part, it's a little over. Then I actually had a sales slump where I just made new sales but it's kinda funny 'cause I make it dramatic. It really wasn't that dramatic.

  • It was five or seven days, right?

  • Yeah, it was seven days, at least. I had 10 sales calls and made nothing, I was like, crap. I actually posed someone recently just on the lower thing, follow-ups so it's funny but I just knew it was one of those things where I just had to allow for regression to happen and it's fine. The Monday starting the third week working with you, that Monday I made first 11K revenue day, it was crazy 'cause that was actually pretty much what I was making a month for the most part previously and the way that worked was both of them were actually three week payments of it. Luckily, the biggest payment was the first one so that's good so in terms of collecting the cash for that, I think it was 20... Whatever it halved to, 500.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • Al least, I was be able to get half 5,500 from each of the people who signed up and then the rest of it was two payments of the other halved but I was able to get most of the money up front. I would get 11K overall where we made 40 credits closed that day and then when it was collected, it was pretty much half of that just because it's the payments and stuff but I think the moment that happened, it just helped me realize, I have a high potential to same so long but not of you but I would say myself because of what would help me to be less anxious. I think at that moment, I really started to become more relaxed and I think by doing that, I've actually been making more sales more fluidly because there's no attachment. For me, I don't know if it's just me or I don't know if most people are fooling themselves but to legitimately not be attached to the outcome is exceptionally hard to get done, I think. You actually have to just go through some experiences, I think of transformation. I don't think you can make a decision and you've done it. I think it's possible but there's a delay time in reality or something. I think quite the delay for me--

  • It's one thing to intellectually be like, I should be this attached from the sale. It's another thing to feel it and live it and have it in your muscles where it's not just something. Does that make sense?

  • Yeah, I know what you're saying. It's just a delay factor, that's all.

  • Going back to our sales conversation, why did you decide to do business with me?

  • Besides the amazing consultation you give everyone, which is amazing, customers and everything, I would say it was just the proof that you had behind you as well, you had a few people recommending you. Obviously, I had the painters, I was trying to refer people to you who hadn't worked with you quite yet so that's a good sign subconsciously. I mean, I don't really require too much proof but I just think with the coaching space and how out of control it's gotten, I'm always gonna default to trusting people who have case studies and testimonials and stuff over people who don't, that's it. I'm not saying you have to have that in order for me to work for you or hire you, I'm just saying that I'm always in favor of them over the person who doesn't have it because I read somewhere recently where it said, everyone and their brother your business so it's like using their own unique . There's nothing wrong with that but we wanna make sure we stay at the top, at least for me, I wanna make sure that I'm not wasting money, that's all by any means. I mean, there's ROI in what they're seeing.

  • That's crazy, that's high.

  • It's crazy.

  • What do you think kicked you over the fence, so to speak?

  • In terms of deciding to work with you?

  • Yeah, there was some hesitation.

  • Even when I was making the 6K, rent's pretty high. What else?

  • Just the natural resistance to spending any money basically. Was it that kind of...

  • Yeah, I would say there's a little bit... I just think why I invested and believe it or not, actually as of now, I have spent I think somewhere close to pretty much, where if we consider all the payment plans I've been on this year, I actually have spent probably close to 30 and 40K in coaching before you. It's not like I didn't trust you, it's just like, oh my God, I just hope this is , insanity results as well.

  • You had tried other things and hadn't gotten quite the results you were looking for?

  • Yeah, it's not like I was expecting amazing results. It wasn't like I had to make amazing results in order to work with you and all that good stuff, it was still have been totally fine if I just made new sales like something wrong with it. I mean, insane results just because I really don't know how I didn't get left out, maybe it was just the right timing. I know it was a proven system but there's always relative gains. It's like if someone who might be coming in to just start and stuff probably won't see the results I'm getting. I've been through trenches quite a bit, I've definitely been through the ringer quite a bit, too.

  • I tell folks if they're not making any sales, they typically get a client or two in the first month or the second month and they're generating sales calls predictably but if they're like you making sales, they've doubled their sales or more, everybody so far, which is wild.

  • Yeah, just to overlay to your question. I was a little hesitant but it wasn't like I wasn't gonna do it. I'm very much in my head a lot of the time, which is bad. It's just that moment when you're silent on a sales call with people where, the more silent you are sometimes, for every statement that follows, it becomes slightly more rational where they're actually talking to themselves out loud. They're not actually talking to you sometimes and if you just be quiet and you let them rationalize in their head, they're talking aloud, a lot of the time, they'll say, I think I could make it work so I was like that, really. No one's really immune to it at any level, which is fine. That's what happened but yeah, I'm definitely happy I started with you.

  • Would you recommend others work with me still?

  • Oh yeah, of course, it's gonna be a no brainer.

  • Who do you think we're a good fit for?

  • Well, definitely painters but beyond them, I don't know if that was a fluke or what because I've never heard of painter consultants or it's just insanity. It must have been an amazing accidental byproduct or something.

  • It's not something I'm actively looking to grow, to be honest right now but I'll just briefly say it's about just looking at any purchase of something that's a consultation. I just helped him a lot with his sales process and making him extremely consultative in his pricing and confidence and all that stuff. Not every artist can do that. That's why I'm saying it's not looking to grow or actively but anyway, yeah, it's great and it's using the same principles, everybody else, all the business coaches I work with use.

  • I think mainly the people you would help besides them would be people who actually are in business for the right reasons, I would say. I don't really think if you're just trying to just make sales just to make sales and you don't really have a good why or a good vision. I don't think you're quite ready yet. That's what it is. I would consider this an intermediate or advanced organic course or organic program for the most part. I know you helped people later on with ads, am I right? Yeah, but that's all custom, I guess or something so for the main thing, it's all pretty intermediate and advanced and it's just the level of depth in the work you have to do and stuff. It isn't a lot of work but it's at a level where, unless you care about the people you're helping or unless you have a solid offer, unless you've probably made a few sales or unless you just have an idea of what the heck you wanna do with your life, unless those things are established, I just don't think you're quite ready yet but there's a lot of people who obviously have that established. If they're watching this, I don't really see any reason why they shouldn't jump on this because the only thing that they're wasting is time by not investing.

  • I mean, that resonates with me. A big core part of this process is making sure your clients are happy and successful so if you're not in a space or a mindset yet where you can focus on that as well as making sales as well as generating leads, then it's gonna be hard to fully benefit from all the stuff that I can help you with, if that makes sense.

  • Yeah, I agree.

  • Totally, man, I love it, that's good. That's really good. If someone's on the fence, maybe listening in, why should they take action right now?

  • Well, people think they're special but they're really not. Typically, you'll just default the... I'm not saying it's guaranteed but if you work hard, you won't . There's community, which is right and you can reach out to people or you can even post in the Facebook group and they help you troubleshoot things in a way that is very, I would consider this valuable as one-on-one coaching because it's not like you've been around 10 years. It is set up, for the most part like a, how would you describe it?

  • Oh, well, I mean, it's--

  • Just a structure.

  • It's a combination of things. It's training content, live coaching calls, a private group but there's only, right now as of this video, 30 people in the group so it feels very intimate, very small.

  • It feels like one-on-one coaching for the most part. I mean, that's what I got out of it. So for anyone on the fence, why should they buy? Just the fact that it's probably worth way more than any enrollment you can charge right now but also I would just say, you're just gonna default to the odds. Obviously, , if you're just starting out, you haven't made some sales or whatever, you're probably gonna get a solid pipeline consistently. You're probably going to make the first one or two sales in the first 30, 60 days, it's probable, you're gonna do it pretty easily, too and if you're already more of where I'm at even if you're working less or you're working harder, definitely there's potential that you probably could increase what you're making already by 50% all the way up to 300% or more within the first three months. There's no reason why that can't happen. The reason why it worked for me is because I have really been all in this year in terms of, even when I was hustling, just systematizing my life to really make this conducive and stuff. I'm working, even now I'm working probably at least five, eight hours a day so I'm just all in. Even when I'm bored, I just work and that's just me, it's my own personal thing but even if you only have a handful of hours to dedicate throughout the week, there's no reason why you can't make one or two high ticket sales a month using Harry's magic.

  • Hey, nice, man. Not only are you running your business, you're about to have to open your parents' business so I got two quick questions. First, last question. What is your number one piece of advice for coaches and consultants?

  • Just a general advice?

  • Any advice, what's your number one piece of advice for coaches and consultants like yourself?

  • The number one piece of advice is that, and this is what I tell people that I work with and I think I knew it before I worked with you but you helped me solidified this belief. What that was it was true. You have all these sales stacked 'cause you own the sales group and you're the sales guru and stuff and all the good stuff but fundamentally, really the only way for you to ever really charge the price you wanna charge, let's say you're charging 1K right now and you wanna charge 6K or something, the only way you'll ever be able to fathom it, conceptualize it, justify it in a way that makes sense, you'll never be able to do it or if you do, it'll be a fluke and then you're gonna suffer a long time and then do it again and find a fluke, it's not sustainable. You'll never be able to charge 7K until you've gone through that buying experience yourself. It doesn't matter, any parts. So until you've really gone through that, and it has to be in the same arena you're operating, too so colleges and especially coaching and stuff in personal involvement and all the good stuff or service providers in business. Until you've invested at that particular price point, you cannot expect others to invest in you at that price point. I can't fully explain why that happens or what it is but it's probably the strongest piece of advice I could give you. If you're doing okay right now but you're not where you wanna be, you're a little tight in cash but you're not really suffering either but you wanna charge more and you know that's the biggest thing that's gonna help you, I mean, besides the sales, all those organic magic and all of these sales processes and all your stuff, the biggest thing for was just investing in myself at a higher level and so that's enabled me to expect that and that's how they've stayed the same. Ever since I've done that, it's been a breeze. I'm serious, I'm not kidding.

  • I believe you.

  • That's what it is. You gotta invest at a level that you expect... You have to become the customer--

  • You want for yourself.

  • You'll never be able to attract them until you become it first. It's hard to become it because usually, there's no quick gains from it, there's no short term gratification, there's really nothing gained and sometimes in stage two, you pretty much see the dividends paid or even more but it's totally worth it because you'll probably still be stuck where you are three, six months from now, unfortunately or you may have maybe gained 5%, 10% revenues because of getting better at what you do but that sounds like a miserable existence to me. That's actually what I did for the first two and a half years and I didn't even know yet. You have to become the customer you want to attract first and then you'll attract them and then you'll be fine. That's probably the biggest thing I learned from Harry to help me solidify but I was a little bit in denial about it because I know investing in anything is always a big dump but that principle, it's undeniable, there's no way around it. You either go through it or you're not cut out for this.

  • Ignore it at your peril.

  • Yeah, it's what it is.

  • Awesome, man, Chaz, thank you so much for your time in. 6:00 AM in your area of the woods, 10:00 in my time, a little bit nicer. Last question for you, I appreciate everything. If people wanna learn more about you, where can they find more about you online?

  • Just go to my profile. Basically, I have content daily but also if you go to my website, you can learn more about me there.

  • Got it, Facebook profile, Chaz M. or website, influenceyourmarket.com.

  • That's .

  • Cool, man. All right, well thanks so much, appreciate it.

  • No worries.

  • All right, talk to you later.

  • See you around.

  • Bye.

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